Most people {I think} enjoy the fun, comfort, and tastiness associated with curling up on the couch next to loved ones with a big bowl of salty, buttery popcorn to watch a movie. But I’m sure that, by now, you’ve heard all about the problems that can be caused when you pop popcorn in those handy {but very unhealthy} store-bought microwavable popcorn bags. No worries though because you can still indulge in this tasty snack. Today’s post is all about how to pop popcorn healthfully using one of two methods.
Method 1: Pop Popcorn on the Stove
Honestly, there’s nothing like popcorn prepared the old fashioned way–on the stove! While this task may seem daunting or terribly time consuming to some, it’s actually very easy, quick, and fun!
What You Need
- a glass or stainless steel saucepan with a lid {a glass lid makes it more fun}
- seasoning, optional {salt, etc.–keep an eye out for a post in a few weeks which will have some amazing ways to flavor your popcorn}
- 1 tablespoon coconut oil {use the more refined coconut oil if you want to avoid a coconut taste}
- 1/3 cup popcorn kernels
What You Do
- Put the coconut oil, corn kernels, and any desired seasonings in the pan. The kernels should be in a single layer along the bottom of the pan.
- Turn the heat to medium. After a couple minutes, a kernel will suddenly pop. Be careful not to keep your face over the pot at this point because, when it starts popping, you can easily get splattered in the eye with hot oil!
- Once the first kernel has popped, put the lid on the pot.
- Now for the fun {especially if your lid is see-through}! Gently slide the pot back and forth over the burner and be in awe {especially if you’re a kid or a kid at heart} as the kernels pop like crazy!
- Within about 5 minutes you’ll have hot, delicious popcorn to munch on. Feel free to now add some melted butter and any other flavorings or seasonings that you want that you didn’t add at the beginning.
What about stove top popcorn poppers?
Oh, those things that are basically pots with a spinny thing on the lid? Yes, those work great, too! Make sure to nab a stainless steel one if you get one and follow the manufacturer’s directions.
Method 2: Pop Popcorn in the Microwave
Say what? Didn’t we just determine that popping popcorn in the microwave is unhealthy? Well, yes…and possibly no. Now, it’s true that the microwave is definitely not the healthiest way to cook anything, but even that is a debatable topic. However, if the convenience of the microwave is what you want without the added chemicals found in store-bought popcorn bags {and you’re not concerned about the healthfulness of the microwave}, then this method is for you.
What You Need
- glass microwave popcorn popper
- popcorn kernels
- butter {optional}
- seasoning, optional
What You Do
- Put the necessary popcorn kernels in the bowl of the microwavable popcorn popper {this will vary on the size of the popper and the manufacturer’s directions}.
- No oil or fat is required to pop in a glass microwave popcorn popper, but if you would like to flavor the popcorn with butter, place some on the silicone lid {pending your popper has this feature}.
- Microwave per manufacturer’s directions {typically around 2 minutes and 45 seconds}. Listen carefully because when the popping begins to slow down, stop the microwave before you burn the popcorn.
- Add any more desired seasonings or flavorings and voila–popcorn is served!
What about paper bags?
So, yes, you can in fact successfully pop popcorn in a brown paper bag in the microwave. However, this semi voids the goal of achieving healthy popcorn. The brown paper bag is assembled using glue, which, when cooked, emits some of the same toxins {and possibly others} that store-bought bags of popcorn present.
If you really want to, I suppose you could use a roll of unbleached brown paper and merely fold a bag into existence. That would work. But a bit more time consuming, yes. Plus it might bust as the popcorn pops…

How to Pop Popcorn Healthfully
Stove Top Method
- a glass or stainless steel saucepan with a lid {a glass lid makes it more fun}
- seasoning, optional
- 1 tablespoon coconut oil {use the more refined coconut oil if you want to avoid a coconut taste}
- 1/3 cup popcorn kernels
Microwave Method
- glass microwave popcorn popper
- popcorn kernels
- butter {optional}
- seasoning, optional
Stove Top Method
- Put the coconut oil, corn kernels, and any desired seasonings in the pan. The kernels should be in a single layer along the bottom of the pan.
- Turn the heat to medium. After a couple minutes, a kernel will suddenly pop. Be careful not to keep your face over the pot at this point because, when it starts popping, you can easily get splattered in the eye with hot oil!
- Once the first kernel has popped, put the lid on the pot.
- Now for the fun {especially if your lid is see-through}! Gently slide the pot back and forth over the burner and be in awe {especially if you're a kid or a kid at heart} as the kernels pop like crazy!
- Within about 5 minutes you'll have hot, delicious popcorn to munch on. Feel free to now add some melted butter and any other flavorings or seasonings that you want that you didn't add at the beginning.
Microwave Method
- Put the necessary popcorn kernels in the bowl of the microwavable popcorn popper {this will vary on the size of the popper and the manufacturer's directions}.
- No oil or fat is required to pop in a glass microwave popcorn popper, but if you would like to flavor the popcorn with butter, place some on the silicone lid {pending your popper has this feature}.
- Microwave per manufacturer's directions {typically around 2 minutes and 45 seconds}. Listen carefully because when the popping begins to slow down, stop the microwave before you burn the popcorn.
- Add any more desired seasonings or flavorings and voila--popcorn is served!
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