I really enjoy making my own homemade household cleaners. I love controlling what goes in to them because this way I know that none of the ingredients (when used as intended) are going to harm us. I am also able to decide what my cleaners will do by following simple, basic knowledge about what each ingredient does. It’s also handy when I run out of something because I can just whip up another batch using the handful of staple ingredients I have on hand!
Well, here’s a safe, non-toxic, easy-to-make toilet cleaner. When I use this cleaner, I squeeze it into the toilet at the very beginning of my cleaning routine then return towards the middle or end of my cleaning routine to actually scrub the toilet. Allowing it to sit like this lets it do its action.
Now, as is my custom when introducing a recipe for a cleaner, here is a break down of the ingredients used and why they were selected:
- Citric Acid. Citric acid helps to break down spots and clumps (if you know what I mean). It also serves as a preservative (although I don’t really know if this recipe would need to be preserved).
- Vinegar. Vinegar naturally sterilizes and its acidity also helps towards breaking down yucky stuff.
- Melaleuca Essential Oil. Most commonly known as tea tree oil, this anti-septic essential oil makes the solution smell better, the toilet smell better (well, for a little bit any way), and also helps to clean.
To use the cleaner, spray it up under the “lip” of the toilet so that it runs down the sides of the bowl. Then let it sit for an hour or so (if your toilet isn’t very dirty, less time might be okay; if it’s super dirty, it might need longer or even multiple treatments). You could put the solution in a spray bottle, an old toilet cleaner bottle (if the lid comes off; be sure to thoroughly wash the bottle first), or a squeeze bottle of some kind (such as a mustard/ketchup bottle or a bottle like this).

Homemade Toilet Cleaner
- 1/4 c. citric acid
- 1/2 c. vinegar
- 1-1/2 c. water
- 1/2 tsp. Young Living melaleuca (tea tree) essential oil
- Mix all ingredients together. Shake before using.
- Spray along the inside of the toilet's "lip." Allow to rest for about an hour, scrub, then flush.
I am loving your cleaners, and I can’t wait to try them! This recipe doesn’t seem to be posting though…
Hi, Katie! Thanks for letting me know. 🙂 I had switched recipe plugins and obviously forgot to transfer this particular recipe. It has been updated. Thanks so much! Have a great day!
Woohoo! I have all but the citric acid on hand, so I’ll add it to my shopping list. I’ve been looking for a good homemade toilet-bowl cleaner, as well as a homemade scrubbing cleanser. I’ve tried several of the latter, but none have worked as well for me as the old-standby, Bon Ami. Off to check out yours!
How long is it good for using?
Thank you!