Real food, put simply, is authentically whole food. The dictionary ( to be specific) defines the words “real” and “food” thusly:
- real: genuine; not counterfeit, artificial, or imitation; authentic
- food: any nourishing substance that is eaten, drunk, or otherwise taken into the body to sustain life, provide energy, promote growth, etc.
Real food is food in its most natural form. It is food as God created it to be. And, in it’s simple, natural, whole state, it is most healthful for our bodies. When people interfere with food, however, it becomes something unnatural and often detrimental to our health.
When aiming for a real food lifestyle, the big things to avoid are processed foods. Things that are altered from their original condition or that have been mistreated or that have additives and preservatives.
If you are a newbie to the realm of real food, here’s a basic chart of real foods (foods you want to eat) versus unreal foods (foods you want to avoid) to help you get started. Please note that this is of course not an exhaustive list, just something to kickstart your healthful journey.